5 Advantages of Choosing a Serviced Apartment Over Fancy Hotels

When traveling, most people choose a fancy hotel for luxury accommodations. The first choice that is obvious to travelers is popular hotel brands that can offer quality amenities and premium guest room choices. However, a serviced apartment is another option that can not only work well but offer a better traveling experience. There are many benefits to reserving a serviced apartment for your traveling needs. You can not only save money but have access to more space and features that will work well during your time away from home. Find out more benefits of reserving a serviced apartment below.

Room to Unwind

big apartment

One of the perks of serviced apartment rentals is that fact that you have more square footage in which to relax and unwind. When traveling with your family or friends, you need personal space and an apartment will provide you with more bedrooms, bathrooms and private spaces. You will have a separate living and dining area where you can enjoy meals and entertainment without feeling cramped or confined as you would in a one bedroom hotel room.

Comfortable Configuration

In a guest room, you have the basic configuration. You will have an open concept with bedroom, small seating area and maybe a small kitchen space. With a serviced apartment, you will have access to everything you need, just like at home. A serviced apartment will have separate areas such as living room, bathroom, etc. so you can easily enjoy yourself with adequate space for relaxing.

Kitchen Service


As mentioned, an apartment can provide you with the kitchen space you need to prepare meals during your stay. With a kitchen space, you will be able to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner. This means you can spend less on dining when traveling, especially during extended periods of time. You will have access to a refrigerator, where you can place beverages and cold food items. You will also have access to a microwave, cooktop or oven which will allow you to prepare any type of meal you choose. This is a major convenience and a big reason as to why individuals choose an apartment for their accommodation needs.

Multiple Bedrooms

When traveling with children, it is less stressful when you have multiple bedrooms. This is not always affordable with a hotel accommodation. With a serviced apartment, you will be able to choose a unit with multiple bedrooms. This will give each child a sleeping space as well as provide you with a private area in which to relax and rest during your trip. You will find Classic bedroom furniture, contemporary pieces or even ultra-modern, depending on which type of apartment you reserve for your vacation.

Same Great Amenities as an Apartment

With a serviced apartment, you can still receive the same great amenities you are used to with hotel service. Most serviced apartments offer on-site dining, business services, gym service, pool and more. You will be able to relax and enjoy on-site amenities during your stay. So combine the added bonus of kitchen space, additional bedrooms and the same great services, you can easily enjoy your trip better with a serviced apartment rather than with a hotel accommodation.

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About Ella

Becky, Steve or the other two useless ones (shhh they won't read this) form part of the Openstories team, a collaborative travel blog that we use to dump our ideas, plans and experiences onto the worldwide web. We're honored that you're hear reading this, and we'd love to hear from you. Thanks for dropping by!